Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Cybersecurity Lawsuit Poses Vendor Liability Question

In October 2013, Affinity Gaming, a casino operator based in Nevada, heard from customers that their credit cards had been hacked. Before too long, the company’s IT department concluded it likely suffered a data breach.

Within days, professional forensic data security investigators from Chicago-based Trustwave Holdings Inc. were analyzing the company’s system, and suggesting remedial measures.

That account is taken from a federal lawsuit that Affinity filed in Las Vegas. It accuses the IT security company Trustwave it hired to conduct a forensic investigation of failing to proscribe appropriate remedial measures and not removing the malicious malware. The suit states that within three months, a second data breach occurred. Affinity is suing Trustwave for fraud, fraudulent inducement, constructive fraud, gross negligence, negligent misrepresentation, breach of contract and declaratory judgment. For the full article click here 

from cyber security caucus

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