Monday, 11 January 2016

Why We Don’t Need Backdoors to Move Ahead on Cybersecurity

I’m going to say this as plainly as possible, since the message doesn’t seem to be getting through: If we compromise the security of our computing devices in a misbegotten attempt to stem criminal behavior or terrorism—as some in law enforcement and government suggest we do—then, we deserve what will follow.

It is a tempting proposition to think that if only companies such as Apple Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google and  Microsoft Corp. would create so-called backdoors to encrypted data on our devices and networks that only law-enforcement or the government knows about, they could take action when needed.

But this data has all kinds of information, from our instant messages to our banking transactions, and history has shown that once backdoors are created, they can be and are discovered by bad actors. For the full article click here 

from cyber security caucus

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