Saturday 10 September 2016

Top 10 Cyber Security Companies to Invest In

It seem like every time you read the news there has been another cyber security breach resulting in people’s names and passwords being strewn all over the internet for everyone to see. If you have a different password for every online account you have, we’re genuinely impressed, but the truth is that most people just use one password for all their online accounts. Therefore, if you can get someone’s password for one site, you can then use that information to gain access to all the other sites they frequent.

Cyber security is a complex domain, and as investors, we’re not that interested in understanding it but rather finding ways that we can invest in this space. It’s only a matter of time before artificial intelligence makes security problems even more complex, and there are all kinds of companies both public and private that stand to benefit from an increasing demand for more sophisticated security solutions. We’ve made this task simple for retail investors by identifying 10 cyber security companies with market caps greater than $1 billion that you can invest in today. Here they are in order of size with the largest starting first. For the full article click here 

from cyber security caucus

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