Thursday, 2 June 2016

Cybersecurity Industry Leaders Partner With Cybrary

Over a dozen cutting-edge cybersecurity companies—including ZeroFOX, Talos, Tripwire, AlienVault, and other major players—have partnered withCybrary to provide their educational and thought leadership content to what is now the largest cybersecurity community on the Web.

Greenbelt-based Cybrary is the world’s first and only no-cost massive open online course provider for cybersecurity. Launched in 2015, the company’s vision is to build a collaborative platform where people and companies come together in an open source learning environment.

Cybrary currently boasts over 80,000 users taking classes, 60 million minutes of learning delivered each month, and 1200 news users a day. They are now in the top 18,000 websites in the United States and the second largest media website in the cybersecurity industry.

Through Cybrary’s Channels Platform, Cybrary is helping leading cybersecurity companies to educate their market and the students take away a fuller learning experience from it. Users can follow companies just as you would a Facebook or Twitter page.

“Cybrary is delivering classes to the full spectrum of cybersecurity professionals,” said Ryan Corey, co-founder of Cybrary. “The concept behind Cybrary Channels is to give cybersecurity companies a presence in the learning path of our students. These companies are the ones innovating new technologies and their content provides a practical, real-world approach to the concepts that the students are learning.” For the full article click here 

from cyber security caucus

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