Thursday, 25 June 2015

A ‘defensive shield’ for legal cybersecurity risks

The top lawyers in the UK’s largest companies have recently come together and recommended a “defensive shield” strategy to deal with their companies’ legal cybersecurity risks.

The top lawyers in the UK’s largest companies have recently come together and recommended a strategic framework that maps well to New Zealand.

The strategic framework maps well to New Zealand, to what other cybersecurity specialists are doing, and to what senior managers and boards are or should be doing.

It is good stuff too to help get the attention of CEOs, boards and lawyers: although they know cybersecurity is an issue, they don’t necessarily have all the tools and detail on these increasingly bet-the-bank issues, as we outline here.

The report, Cyber security law and practice, was produced by the GC100, the association for GCs of the UK’s largest 100 companies.

View the original content and more from this author here:

from cyber security caucus

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