Friday, 26 June 2015

Keeping Smart Cities Smart Preempting Emerging Cyber Attacks in U.S. Cities

The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology, working closely with IOActive and other Fellows, has published its latest legislative briefing titled “Keeping Smart Cities Smart: Preempting Emerging Cyber Attacks in U.S. Cities“.   As more and more U.S. cities adopt ‘smart’ technologies,  America finds its urban centers  increasingly at risk for cyber-attacks which could bring entire cities to a standstill, wreak havoc for citizens and cost billions for governments and the private sector.

In this analysis, ICIT identifies the various types of technologies that are used in smart cities and how each type of technology is vulnerable to an attack (including likely attack scenarios).  The report closes by making recommendations on what vendors and policy makers must do to ensure that the technologies manufactured for use in smart cities are adequately secure.

This brief was sent to members of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee and Cybersecurity Caucus, presented to Representatives and Senators including Senators Markey and Alexandar and Congressmans Marchant, Ratcliffe and Langevin, federal agencies and select ISACs and DHS Sector Coordinating Councils.

The following experts contributed to this brief:


  • Cesar Cerrudo, ICIT Fellow (CTO, IOActive)

Contributions by:

  • James Scott (ICIT Senior Fellow – Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology)
  • Drew Spaniel (ICIT Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Chris Schumacher (ICIT Fellow – Sr. Technology Consultant, New Light Technologies)




View the original content and more from this author here :

from cyber security caucus

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