Forward Sheridan is focusing on a positive perspective and opportunity. Continued economic projections and impacts from the reduction of coal and the replacement of electrical generation capacity by natural gas is impacting our neighbors and will be impacting Sheridan both directly and indirectly. I think it might be a good vision to look back at two intervals in our recent pass. Gillette/Campbell county were and are very good neighbors. In the mid- 1970’s Campbell County worked and successfully took advantage of the oil embargo and the aggressive development of surface coal as an energy source for our country. And they did. Campbell and Converse counties will remain as effectively low cost producers of sub-bituminous coal. Secondly Sheridan had tough times in the early to mid 1980’s again around coal. We survived and came out stronger and fortunately we have diversified our economy. The energy frame work is changing but the value of the coal is dynamic – what is static is the ability of Wyoming coal producers to mine coal rapidly, effectively and safely. This, in the long run, will rebound. There will be a market re-calibration on energy, but coal will not be eliminated from the energy source portfolio. It is unlikely to be so big and rapid, but coal is a solid source of fuel.
Business continuation demands understanding business risk. Forward Sheridan and some of our partners (Chamber, ACT, Holly, PB Communications) are hosting our second InfraGard training on May 5 at the Sheridan Inn. InfraGard is the FBI outreach on infrastructure. This is specific training is on cyber security – computers and an introduction to some of the resources available to our community. The value add is that Mike Bobbitt from the FBI is one of the speakers. He is familiar with Sheridan and is in the upper management of the Denver FBI office. Secondly, David Jemmett from GenResults is speaking. He is a nationally recognized expert on cybersecurity. Again, he is familiar with Sheridan. This simply is an easy opportunity for a comprehensive introduction to cyber risk. As a side note, recent legislation is asking our community government to begin evaluating its risk. For the full article click here
from cyber security caucus
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