Thursday, 28 April 2016

Councils must prepare cyber security strategies in face of growing attack threats

Hackers will be increasingly likely to target local government, who needs to be involved in preparing national cyber security strategies, Socitm has warned in a new policy briefing.

The briefing says that although local government has not been a target for large-scale cyber-attacks so far, the risks are changing and growing as local government becomes increasingly important in delivery of public services, more data is shared between councils and the ‘Internet of Things’, in which everyday objects have internet connectivity, becomes a reality.

Local government must play an active role in tackling this, including being involved in the new National Cyber Security Centre and in developing the National Cyber Security Strategy.

Socitm said this was necessary because “a national cyber-attack could be initiated locally, or local services could be penetrated and crippled, requiring a national response”.

They added that there is already a good baseline for cyber security in local government, with accreditation systems for public services network, payment card industry and related technology and data handling requirements, and professional advice being sought by local authorities. For the full article click here 

from cyber security caucus

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