Friday, 6 May 2016

Grading the Cybersecurity National Action Plan

GRADING THE PRESIDENT’S PLAN White House cyber czar Michael Daniel discusses President Barack Obama’s ambitious Cybersecurity National Action Plan today at an event hosted by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance that’s closed to the press. The plan includes both money (a proposed $19 billion in fiscal 2017) and a range of policy proposals (creating a federal chief information security officer). MC recently spoke about the plan with Thad Allen, executive vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton, by one estimate the top federal cybersecurity contractor in the last several years for which data is available.

On the funding: “My response was, good deal. We need resources. It’s nice the president is sending a very strong signal.” But he said precise funding and its potential impact on agencies is hard to measure right now for anyone outside of appropriators and the Office of Management and Budget. One element of that plan involves funding for the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program, which is about giving federal agencies and their personnel the ability to recognize and manage risks; Booz Allen Hamilton is a contractor for that program. On that program, Allen said, “It doesn’t get you everywhere you want to be strategically, but it’s a significant first step” for the federal government.

On the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity: The newly created commission is looking ahead to the next decade of cyber and plans to make recommendations before the year ends. Some have questioned whether anyone can anticipate that far out in fast-moving cyberspace. “It won’t be 100 percent correct,” Allen said. But “if you hit 60 percent” it would be worthwhile. The bigger problem is whether its recommendations will go anywhere.For the full article click here 

from cyber security caucus

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